
Panflute seminar in Einsiedeln, Switzerland June 7 - 9, 2024

Paracelsuspark 1, 8840 Einsiedeln, Switzerland

Taras Berchtold led the recent panpipe seminar in Einsiedeln together with the renowned musician and panpipe teacher Michael Dinner. During 12 lessons in small groups, participants learned how to play the panflute. A broad program...

Concert: From baroque to folk music

Reformierte Kirche Adliswil Obertilistrasse, 8134 Adliswil, Switzerland

On Saturday, January 14, 2024 at 17:00 in the Reformed Church Adliswil, Taras Berchtold on the pan flute and Anastasiia Bohodysta on the piano will present you with a unique musical experience. This concert combines...

Piano & panflute concert in Gouda

Westhaven 33, Gouda, Netherlands

Taras Berchtold will perform on the 15. December 2023 together with the talented ukrainian pianist Anastasiia Bohodysta in Westhaven 33, Gouda, Netherlands. The concerts starting at 18:00 and 20:00. The two musicians will perform a...

Panflute Festival in Lenk, Bern, Switzerland

Lenk-Simmental BE

From July 23rd to the 29th, 2023, Taras led the Classical Workshop at the Swiss Panflute Festival in Lenk. He taught his 25 participants a range of classical pieces from the Baroque to the Romantic...

Benefit concert for Ukrainian musicians

Davidsbündler Music Academy, Laan van Meerdervoort 215, 2563 AA Den Haag, Netherlands

On Friday, April 21, 2023, at 7:30 pm, Taras Berchtold performed in The Hague at a benefit concert for Ukrainian musicians. The concert was organized by world-famous artists Anna Fedorova and Nikolas Schwarz and took...

New Year's Concert

Kirche Unterstrass, Turnerstrasse 47, 8006 Zürich

At the beginning of the year 2023, Taras Berchtold held a New Year's concert in collaboration with the award-winning Kiyomi Higaki on piano and organ. The event took place at the Unterstrass Church (Turnerstrasse 47)...

Panflute Festival in Bülach

Vetropack Hall, Schaffhauserstrasse 106, Bülach 8180

PanflötenFestival Schweiz 2022 in Bülach
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The Panflute Festival in Bülach took place at the Vetropack Hall, Schaffhauserstrasse 106, where Taras Berchtold performed. Taras presented the opening concert on Friday, September 23rd, 2022, at 19:30, showcasing a selection of traditional Romanian...

Concert series with Michel Tirabosco

On June 18th and 19th, a series of concerts took place in which Taras Berchtold performed in Crozet (France), Anières GE, and Nyon VD alongside the renowned panflute player Michel Tirabosco. They were accompanied by...